Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Phenomenon - Fenómeno

Do you know this PHENOMENON: to get stuck in front of the TV, paralyzed and unable to push the OFF button?????
I am not a big TV consumer, but I have to admit that these days I struggle with this...I am definitely watching too  much. Sometimes I force myself at least to do some doodles while watching...so I did this little pencil drawing a couple of weeks ago in my sketch book.

¿Os suena este FENÓMENO?: ¿¿quedarse paralizado delante de la tele, incapaz de apagarla?????
Pues en general no soy una gran consumidora de la tele, pero aún así últimamente esto es lo que me pasa constantemente....en fin, veo demasiado la tele. Aún así a veces me esfuerzo en hacer por lo menos algunos dibujos entretanto...y así hice hace un par de semanas este pequeño dibujo a lápiz en mi cuaderno.

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Thursday, 9 December 2010


Dive into the prehistoric primordial soup - all life began in the water!

Little watercolour sketch for this week´s Illustration Friday prompt "prehistoric"

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Friday, 3 December 2010


She is having a wonderful evening and is just savouring every moment of it!

This pale lady (maybe somehow a modern Snow White??) is my (last minute!) submission for this week´s Illustration Friday topic.

I used pencil, watercolours and acrylics.
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