Friday, 25 March 2011

cultivate - cultivar - kultivieren

It is important to c u l t i v a t e good thoughts and nourish your spirit. The more the better. So that ominous black clouds have no chance to invade your brain. Let the sunshine in!

Little painting/collage with watercolours and inkpen for Illustration Friday.

Es importante de c u l t i v a r buenos pensamientos, alimentar el espíritu. Cuánto más, mejor. Para que las amenazantes nubes negras no te invaden la cabeza. ¡Déja que entre la luz!
Pequeña pintura/collage con acuarelas y lápiz de tinta para Illustration Friday.
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Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Heroines - Heroínas - Heldinnen

I highly recommend this wonderful exhibition I visited last saturday with my dear friends Tina and Elena: "Heroines" in the Thyssen-Bornemisza museum and Caja Madrid Foundation in Madrid. Don´t miss it if you are in Madrid! Until 5th june 2011.

Os recomiendo esta maravillosa exposición que fui a ver con mis amigas Tina y Elena el sábado pasado. "herónas" en el museo Thyssen-Bornemisza en Madrid y en la Fundación Caja Madrid. ¡Si estás en Madrid no te lo pierdas! Hasta el 5 de junio 2011.
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Saturday, 19 March 2011

Saturday morning walk in Madrid

fair trade knitted animals

the Shavebrush family

almost everyday there is the brilliant blue sky high above

green vegetables

take a break, have a cup of tea

 view from the lift

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

warning - aviso - Warnung

Warning: eating these mushrooms may cause hallucinations...
Aviso: la consumición de estos hongos puede causar alucinaciones...

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