Thursday, 28 February 2013

february summary

today is the last day of this short month. and the last day of the daily painting challenge i joined with these amazing ladies: dana, claire, elisa and janet. it was an honor painting with you!!
i didn´t paint 28 paintings. there are 16 little paintings. and i am ok with a painting "every other day". if i hadn´t taken this challenge, there wouldn´t be 16 little pieces here. good bye february! you have been an interesting, creative and good month, thank you!
hoy es el último día de este mes tan corto. y el último día del desafío de daily painting que hice junto a unas chicas maravillosas. dana, claire, elisa y janet - ¡va a por vosotras! ha sido un honor pintar con vosotras.
no he llegado a hacer 28 pinturas. pero aquí están 16 pequeñas piecas y estoy contenta con haber conseguido hacer una pintura "cada otro día". adiós febrero, has sido un mes interesante, creativo y bueno, ¡gracias!


Dana Barbieri said...

Yay! 16 paintings that you didn't have at the beginning of the month. It has been a haul but here we are at March. xo

My Castle in Spain said...

Well done Barbara! that's an achievement...this is a very good cheers to the month of March ! :-)